Friday, July 19, 2013


Today is my best friend’s birthday. I haven’t said anything to him about it all week. He knows I easily forget birthdays and any other important date, so I bet he thinks I forgot. But I didn't. MAHAR

I've actually been going crazy trying to figure out what to do for his birthday. I figured he could go out to eat. But since I’m selfish I don’t want to go out to eat because I can’t eat properly right now. My mouth still hurts a lot. Or we could go to the movies. I know it would be easier to just ask him, but he never really says what he wants. So I settled on just doing whatever I wanted….BBQ in the backyard.

I invited his cousin and we agreed to keep it on a low-pro. I was getting kind of worried this week because the Vans that he keeps bugging about hadn't arrived and I wanted them to be here before the date.

 My sisters and I also went to the mall and bought him a Despicable Me t-shirt.

Some socks

And a foam roller (but in black because that screams out Me Macho MAN!!!) 

Aren’t I creative with gifts? Hey, I figured, he runs and these items are very useful!

This whole week I have been lying to him saying that I was busy or sick (wisdom teeth surgery) to hang out and stuff and that he should come over on Friday (birthday) so he can finish up an assignment he has to do with my sisters. He agreed.

He also texted me bright and early today, I laughed as I just gave a short reply. He is the type of person, who normally sends like 3-5 messages per text, and I only received like 1—a clear sign that he was mad.

Well, I personally made the cake today….everything was an experiment…the frosting the cake layers….todo!

Well, I'll update you some more later, I have to shower now and rush to the store to buy some forgotten BBQ items........

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