Friday, July 12, 2013

Pain Pain...Go away and return on NEVER day

We can’t talk about running without talking about injuries. I know, I felt into the trap thinking that I too, was invincible that I was able to perform and never get hurt. Unfortunately, that is not true. Let’s look at my schedule shall we?

Mon: 8-8.5 miles + 1 mile with my sisters+40 minutes of intense cardio
Tues: 9-10 miles + 1 mile with my sisters+40 minutes of intense cardio +Swimming?
Wend: 9-10 miles + 1 mile with my sisters+40 minutes of intense cardio +Swimming?
Thursday: 9-10 miles + 1 mile with my sisters+40 minutes of intense cardio+ Swimming?
Friday: 8-9 miles + 1 mile with my sisters+40 minutes of intense cardio
Saturday: 3-5 miles + 1 mile with my sisters+40 minutes of intense cardio
Sunday: Rest/walking

When I am preforming these things, it doesn’t seem like much. It just seems like something to keep me busy through the day.
In total I was running anywhere from 45-50 miles a week with an added 6 miles with my sisters.
So in theory I would
Run: 51-56 miles a week
Cardio: 4 hours a week
And possible swim (leisurely) around 2-4 hours a week

I did this entire exercise solid for a whole month and a half. No wonder I am finally injured. I don’t blame my body for giving up, but I do blame myself for not recognizing the cues that I had to chill down and rest.

What exactly did I injure? As embarrassing as it is to say, I wish it was my knee or IT band (only because it’s easier to deal with IMO). However, it was my groin. 
Ignore the face. I am NOT a happy camper at the moment. 

It feels like it was my Osteitis Pubis 
Symptoms include:
"The most common symptom of osteitis pubis is pain over the front of the pelvis. Often the diagnosis of osteitis pubis is confused with causes of groin painor a groin strain. Usually the symptoms of osteitis pubis cause pain in the middle of the pelvis, although one side may be more uncomfortable. Other symptoms of osteitis pubis may include weakness or limping."

The article also states that treatment should be:
-Ice and Heat Application
-Physical Therapy
-and Anti Inflammatory Medication 

(Information can be found at about)

While reading elsewhere, it said that some people stated that their pain lasted anywhere from 3-60 months!!!

Now that I think about it, this is the EXACT same pain I felt before the LA Marathon. It doesn't feel good and I feel pretty useless. I have learned my lesson (that's what I say NOW) and I don't plan on running so intensely when doing other exercises)

I guess I am going to be doing a lot more of this 

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