Monday, June 17, 2013

Cauliflower Rice

This can be made either raw or cooked. I think mixing the cooked cauliflower with raw vegetables would be the best way to go, however I am not sure how that would work out.
This dish is actually pretty yummy and is a great way to use the cauliflower in the fridge that is about to go bad because you forget to cook it.

(This was the first time I made it raw)

What you need:
1 head of cauliflower
1/3 of red, green and orange bell pepper (each)
A small handful of cilantro
Green beans

1. First grind all the cauliflower in the food processor or blender.
2. Chop all the other ingredients into tiny pieces
3. Depending on whether you want it raw (for first timers I suggest cooking the cauliflower)
4. Mix everything together and add a touch of salt and pepper to taste

The second time

Was a cooked version with carrots, onion, mushrooms.
It was served alongside the three different colored sweet potatoes, salad, and guacamole. YUM

To be honest, its waaaaay better cooked. 

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