Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Have you ever gone to the gym and noticed that people were looking/staring at you as if they wanted to talk to you but never do? I find it kind of annoying because you know they want to talk to you or even say "hello" but they are too much of a chicken to actually do it. SO SO sad. Oh well, their lost. 

Also, I have been swimming to mix up my running routine and I notice I get different benefits from swimming as apposed to running. I'll write a post of my feelings of both subjects later on. 

So apparently, I uploaded my pictures backwards so its automatically backwards day since I am too lazy to fix it. lol 
I had a bed time snack of peanut butter, apple, cereal and almond/peanuts (hidden)
Dinner was spaghetti squash with a bean sauce 

 First time I made it, and I think I did a pretty good job. 
 The plain squash looks a bit ugly
 Lunch/snack I just had to finish what was left of the Edamame 
 I had a salad bowl with lettuce, rice, bean mix, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lots and lots of salsa 
 I also went swimming at the gym and took some selfies....
There was a lady behind me changing, I bet she kept thinking I was checking her out or something. 

 Overnight oats so no peanut butter would go to waste!
We really love our peanut butter here and eat it by the pound!


*that is not all the food I had, I have a big belly and ate waaay more

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