Of course we loaded up my messenger bag with goodies. God knows I am too cheap and picky to get anything at the movie theater's concession stands. The smell of butter alone drives me crazy.
Trail mix, fruit, and lollipops to entertain our movie hunger
Look! Arn't they the cutest thing ever. Berry was my fav character as well!
This got me thinking, if food fell from the sky, would I actually dare eat it? I mean its free food right? But with LA having as much smog and pollution coming from factories and cars I highly doubt it. Then I am soo picky with my food that I doubt anything would be made to my liking. However, if there was soy ice cream and peanut butter sandwiches falling from the sky, I think I might have a totally different perspective.
Btw, I also happened to run 13 miles at a 9:15 pace!! Heck yea! I was so excited because that was a new pace and distance PR (after the LA marathon of course). And surprisingly I wasn't as tired as I thought.
One thing I don't understand about other people and long runs is that they claim to not be hungry that day. I think I am the complete opposite because I feel like a starving child in a third world country and eat eat eat! I also continue to eat eat and eat some more the next day. The only difference about the day after is that I do ZERO activity (sure some walking here and there) but its nothing strenuous .
I don't drink any recovery/protein drinks. I try to stick to whole foods as much as possible. But at home we had some of this Mexican version of Nesquick. It has lots of vitamins and minerals essential for the body, just take a look....

So in a way it is a type of recover drink. I like that it contains 70% of the RDA of Iron as that is very important for people who are Vegan.
My mom hates that I do that and insist that I will get sick one day.
Dinner was an assortment of food
This plate times 2! AND I ate THREE yes THREE sweet potatoes!
That has got to be my record. And of course the inevitable ice cream and some Oreos. Hey, I happened to run a half marathon, need to celebrate.
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