Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Post Thanksgiving Thoughts

So now thanksgiving day is over. Finally, time to rest and reset. I have been reading a lot of other blogs lately such as TheRealLifeRD and RunEatRepeat. They are doing some type of challenge. I feel that they are all inspiring individuals and we should all steal some of their ingenuity and complete a challenge.
I love the fact that Robyn decided to focus on resting and bringing peace to one's life. She also stresses that we live in a low calorie world where everyone decided to diet themselves thin instead of trying to create a healthy environment.
Monica from RunEatRepeat decided to perfect or try a new exercise or routine each day. She focuses everyday as a start to new healthy living. I love her idea because sometimes we tend to think of exercise as only running, only weights, only using the elliptical. But there if more to it. Circuit training is a fantastic workout that you can do in half the time because it forces you to challenge your body and do something different. Also, circuit training increases your heart rate and increases the after burn affect that you will experience. Thus, its a nice way to spice things up every now and then. However, including just one or two moves will challenge your body to do something different.
While I am not following any specific guide or plan I am stealing snippets of both of these fabulous ladies ideas. I am going to work on limiting processed foods and sticking to whole foods this month (limiting sugar *read*icecream*read) to two or three times a week. I am also going to try to eat REAL food at meal times. I can't just rely on a simple pb&j. Even though its wholesome and good I am an adult and need to start eating adult food. I need to get creative and start trying out new things. My little kid pallet is so used to fighting the urge to branch out but now is the time. Plus that means I can try new recipe's such as Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies right?
Also, I love running. Running may or may not love me in return. Also, the weather may not be so fond of runners because it rains on our parade (haha...okay not soo funny). But now I am going to try to include strength training, circuit training, and some other shenanigans to move my tooshie. (The fact that I also have just ordered a new dumbbell set from amazon helps to). I want to get stronger, leaner, and fitter (yeah, they all mean the same thing but I just want to exaggerate the point). I want to challenge my body so I can have the agility that I always wanted. I am no longer that chubby kid who would sit with a family bag size Doritos and a 2 liter bottle of coke and watch cartoons everyday. I am now a fitness and health enthusiastic who should start to emphasize it in my own life.
Cheer my friends!  

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