Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Does anyone get up early to run and think that God decided to paint a beautiful picture for them and only them? No? Okay. Despite the freezing cold temperatures, I always get super excited when I am running and get to see the sun rise. Its like a gift that was meant for only me and I love it dearly. 
Recently, it was my birthday and I got one of these bad-boys as a present. I tested it out today. 
Hmm, I am not completely sure how I feel about it. 

So breakfast was a repeat  of an oldie but goodie. Frozen (leftover pancakes) crumbled up over applesauce and diced pears. 

Snack was pb, celery and pineapple (yes, I know this is an orange)

The infamous daily smoothie. 

with leftovers: Spaghetti squash with beans, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and spinach. 
Veggie burgers and cornbread. 

Then the snack-age began.....

Homemade papaya roll 

Cereal and yogurt 

persimmon and cutie 

Dinner was soup and a corn muffin .. okay, two corn muffins
dessert was a chocolate chip pumpkin muffin with shaved almond milk
Then I decided to have apples with Pb and another muffin....oops. 
I think the hungry beast within me is tame....for now at least. 

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