I ran through the park today, it was nice and peaceful. I even saw quiet a few ducks at the pond. It was nice to have a different route to continue on. That way I wasn't stressing over using the same route and getting board the entire time. Even though I was running in circles, it was a refreshing experience and saw something new at each loop.
The day started out like this, yet it was prefect for running.
Healthy Body Image
I don't know if you are like 99% of females and males out there who are completely obsessed with their bodies and body type but you are about to listen to my rant.
Why it is that female are judged more easily them males in out society?
Maybe it’s the fact that men don't judge what their fellow peers do. They simply exist and never really consider checking out their fellow "bros". Or perhaps its simply because men don't care. As long as they are having fun, there isn't a need to pay attention if your jeans are too tight, if your "bingo wings" wave when playing pool, or if your stomach looks bloated in that shirt. I have never heard guys complain about their weight unless if they had a serious medical condition due to it. But for the most part, men are happy to exist, to be part of this environment regardless of what they look like. They are having fun experiencing life.
*A cue to take from men is to be carefree. Not to stress out of the small fluctuations on a day to day basis. The happier you are in life, the more positive you are and secure in your person. Then you will cause yourself less stress.
The less stress you have in your life, the less cortisol you develop which will mean that your appetite will be suppressed.
The less stress you experience the less you feel negative and the more you concentrate on what you put in your mouth.
Less visceral fat will be stored in your midsection due to stress. (the reason why we crave carbs when stressed-always opt for slow releasing carbohydrates during those moments)
This information is insane. The average women out there are curvy and thick in the literal term. Women are not meant to be stick skinny. They are meant to bear children, work hard, cook and clean, lift heavy items (groceries and children), and carry out all the same task that a man is expected to do (not trying to sound sexist). But women need energy and if they spend all day daydreaming about having visible abs or being the slimmest person in the room. It’s not an excuse to be overweight, however it is an explanation that females shouldn't look like the rail thin supermodels in the magazines. It also gives you a view of what you see, at 5' 10" the average supermodel's BMI is 17.2 which is underweight or unhealthy. At 5'3" the averages women is around 29 which means that they are somewhat overweight. We are not comparing the two because other factors such as muscle affect BMI however it’s just an insight to explain that the huge difference between the weight of supermodels and the average female. The average women were not designed to look like a supermodel. Technically, those women use extreme diets and exercise regimes to look that way. THEY ARE PAID to be thin. The average women have to work and look after her family, "ain't nobody got time for that" in term of stressing out.
*Note to take away: Your focus should not be on what you look like. You should take your health and analyze it. Are you clinically overweight? If yes, find out what is at the root of the problem and learn how to modify it to meet your daily needs. Find simple modifications that get you HEALTHY. Skinny does not mean someone is healthy; a person can be suffering from IBS, chronic fatigue, anxiety, anemia, malnourished, etc. because they are skinny. Because they spend so much time obsessing about being a certain size that they sacrifice everything to be that shape. If someone forces their body to do something that it wasn't inclined to do such as survive off of low calorie diets or exercising 2+ hours a day without proper fuel. Their body will revolt on them and begin to shut down. Concentrate on having the ability and vitality to do what you want in life.
We need to get out of the "perfect body" mentality
This is one of the sadist statistics that I have ever seen. If only two percent of women consider themselves beautiful, we need to do something about this. There is either a flaw in how we create these beauty standards or there is a flaw in how we treat women. Consider your personal life, when is the last time you told someone they are beautiful or cute or pretty. Heck, when is the last time that you gave someone a compliment? To be honest, I can't remember the last time I told my mom she was beautiful. I can't remember the last time I told my sisters they looked nice. We say we live in a society of constructive criticism. But can it be that we always leave out the constructive part and only dedicate our time to criticism. Think about it, on magazines and tabloids we love to catch up on the gossip behind fashions "best dressed" articles. But deep down we are eager to see the "who wore it best" "worse dressed" "nips and slips" "what was she thinking" etc. type of articles. It is a hideous love we have to shaming women and taking out the joy of day to day living.
Researchers have found that "fat talk"—phenomena in which a person makes negative claims about their weight to others—is an expected norm among women and a way for them to appear more modest.
What is considered “fat talk”? Because the “fat talk” that I hear around me has nothing to do with being modest. Its all pure criticism and rude people talking about nonsense. They start to nit-pick at points on their body and later on they believe all the self criticism. I seem it countless of times where adolescent girls grab the inch of skin on their triceps, claiming that the loose skin is baggy or consider it “bingo wings” then they are hating their arms and always seen in long sleeve shirts because they don’t want to expose their flaws. These girls are filling their mind with superstition so that they begin to see and develop the image of the person whom they think they look like and see it in the mirror daily.
While concentrating on other people’s flaws they are also leading a life full of disapproval and make that part of their daily struggle. They start to critique others which then lead to comparisons. When people start comparing themselves, that’s when the trouble starts. No two people can look exactly the same, genetics, physical activity; lifestyle and even geographical location have an impact on the body type of a person.
*Note: There is no way that fat talk makes you appear modest. Fat talk makes you appear insecure and spiteful. People use it as a way to beg for compliments or to disrupt the daily behavior of others.
Weight gain does happen after marriage, because you have kids, a job, life, and stress building up on you. You can't have a perfect figure forever!
Nor should you try to be perfect, just healthy!
No thigh gap here
but I am happy as this cute little monkey. I wonder if they make these in adult sizes as well......
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