Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sweet Potato Burgers

I want a burger and I want it now!

There have been times where I just want to eat a burger and not worry what anyone else thinks. Problem being, there were no more vegan patties-ahaha my name is Paty and I am vegan-in the fridge. So I was FORCED to be creative with the leftovers in the fridge and decided to make these simple burgers. 

To make your burgers, simply look in your fridge for any leftovers you have and hope for the best :)
1/2 can of garbanzo beans
2 handfuls of spinach
1 small handful of cilantro
1 medium sweet potato 
1 bell pepper
1/3 c of oats
1/3 c of shredded carrots
1 garlic clove 
2 tbs of flax-meal (secret so they don't crumble)
sprinkle of cumin, pepper, and salt 

In the food processor I mixed-or pulverized-garbanzo beans, 1 medium sweet potato, 2 good handfuls of spinach, bell pepper, oats, garlic and cilantro. 

After that place in the bowl and add the remaining ingredients and stir, stir it UP!
Try to form little round shaped burgers on a pre-sprayed baking sheet (parchment paper will save your life here)
It might look like this if you also cut up some butternut squash that has been sitting in your fridge for a month waiting to be taken hostage in a recipe.

Bake at 400 degrees for about 30 min (flip at the 25 min marker).
Then lower down the temperature and bake an additional 15-20 min.
Then layer your food on a lettuce leaf and add tomato,  cucumber, onions, ketchup and avocado.
I just realized I forgot to add my squash to the plate....EPIC FAIL
Close up....nom nom
I want to bite my computer screen while typing this post.

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